Authentic Experiences of Participants

A small selection of reflections that participants have shared with me after the ceremony.

T. (August 2024)

Man, 4-day retreat, spiritual shift

Today I took the microdose of iboga that you included, and I was thinking about you—how are you doing with your new home? I’m doing great; I really enjoy my new job, and we get along well. After the iboga therapy, I feel much calmer, more thoughtful, and overall happier. I felt this even more strongly today after taking that one capsule you gave me when we said goodbye. The visions I had in Olomouc are still vivid in my memory. I’ve noticed a change in my cat too. We’ve always had a great relationship, but now it feels like complete symbiosis. 🙂 Cats are simply fantastic allies. My eating habits have also changed quite naturally. I feel lighter.

I’m planning to continue with iboga. It helps me integrate experiences, process various life themes, and I feel that we really connected. I’m also curious about blue lotus and ayahuasca.

I’m very grateful for the experience with you. I now appreciate the enormous amount of care and energy you dedicated to us. The card readings, the music therapy, the harmony in the forest, the imagery…

I wish you all the best on your journey through life, whatever it may be and wherever it takes you…

Warm regards,


E. (August 2024)

Woman, 4-day retreat

I have strange feelings; thanks to iboga, I don’t want to give up anything, I mean life—I want to reintegrate into life.

P. (May 2024)

Man, 4-day retreat, main theme – strong long-term alcohol addiction

To be honest, I’m still processing and thinking about what happened to me. I’m trying to piece together what was reality during my visit with you and what were hallucinations or dreams. It felt like I was living two lives at once—one was a nightmare (which predominated), and the other was a beautiful life. I’m really still absorbing it all. I apologize if I seemed out of it when I left. I had an interesting first night at home. My wife was trying to convince me at 3 AM that I was hallucinating. Fortunately, she talked me out of going to work. I definitely feel a change in myself. A huge success for me is that I don’t even think about alcohol all day (before, I would think about it right after waking up and throughout the day). I’m considering regular microdosing. Do you think it would make sense since I’ve felt completely satisfied (free) since then? Could iboga in small doses take me even further? I wanted to write to you but didn’t have the courage.

I want to thank you so much and also apologize for any inconveniences if there were any on my part.

L. (March 2024)

Woman, week-long retreat in March 2024, main theme – healing a traumatic event, finding self-love, etc. After 6 months, she writes:

At the moment, I’m doing quite well, actually better than I have in a long time.

I’d love to respond. 🙂

Iboga gave me a certain peace for a time—inner peace, courage, and a more beautiful outlook on the world. I didn’t take things so seriously; everything felt easier.

It took away my fears (and I mean this positively—I was very surprised; in situations where I would have previously stressed and had stomach pains, I was completely calm, laughing, and telling everyone that everything would be okay—it really was).

For that time, it took away my greatest pain—what troubled me the most seemed to disappear—I couldn’t understand how that was possible. I took it as a miracle. That’s why I longed to return to that state; I wanted to stay in it for as long as possible—especially the peace I felt inside, and I could say things openly that I wouldn’t have said before; I would have preferred to remain silent.

It was challenging for me to deal with the darkness; I still have memories of that darkness and the dampness down in the roots. It felt like it lasted a long time, and so did the depression.

Iboga with you was a significant experience for me; I had no idea what to expect. I positively appreciate that you always came and asked how I was feeling and if everything was okay. That we always went somewhere in the forest those first days was very nice; we weren’t stuck inside all the time, and even afterward, I could go for a walk whenever I wanted because it did me good, and I wanted to be alone. I also really liked your clothing during the ceremonies and your harp playing.

There’s nothing I would criticize you for; I just needed more calm during it—which was disrupted by other people, but that’s not your fault.

Iboga definitely continued to work with me for some time. Since I’m always traveling, I feel lost in time, and it flies by. I can’t say exactly how long it held me, but I also took 10 days of microdoses that I had sent to Germany; I felt super happy. Since then, I haven’t been able to get back to microdosing. But that greatest peace lasted about a month.

The reconciliation with death and the fact that I’m okay held me for quite a while; I must say it only resurfaced recently, this summer, for a bit. It was as if I realized what happened, and I had a few days where I cried and dreamed about him…

SO YES, IBOGA HELPED ME WITH WHAT I NEEDED!!! When I was there, the most important thing for me was to come to terms with death and to close that chapter; I couldn’t focus on other things, and at that time, they didn’t matter anymore—what I had written down. This was the most important for me. How many times I’ve thought about how I don’t know how I would have managed without iboga and especially how long I would have suffered.

It’s becoming clear to me that something has changed within me; I’m a bit different, and yes, there’s more self-love. I speak my mind, I no longer do what I don’t want to do, and I seem to be able to communicate things better; I’m not so withdrawn. I’ve been thinking about that the past few days. Finally, after years, I feel better. It occurred to me that it might be because I closed some karmic cycle with that event, and I finally wrapped it up inside me—like I’m slowly coming alive again. I’m genuinely contemplating this now… A lot has changed within me.

Best wishes,

With love, L.

M. (February 2024)

Woman, 4-day retreat

(…) Yesterday on the train, I wanted to listen to music, and iboga said to me: listen to this song. I was completely taken aback by it. It gave me so many visions and insights around it. It was a very beautiful journey home; there was such calm and warmth…

L. (November 2022)

L. is a woman who had only a small “tasting” dose of iboga, but still felt its effect very well…

What did iboga give you?

Iboga helped me clear old wounds that I had been carrying for a long time. Even after one session, I felt a block in my body releasing.

Is there anything it took from you, or do you consider unfinished, challenging, etc.?

It was challenging for me to go through the phase of death when I perceived my thoughts spinning in circles; it felt endless.

How was the ceremony with me and iboga? What do you remember? What did you like, and what not so much? How many nights were you?

I only needed quite a small dose for things to happen. I have a history of microdosing and one night with iboga. But I must note that I’m not dependent and didn’t address those issues; I was addressing my mind and emotions. With higher doses, I’m not sure I like the waves that iboga works in. 🙂

Did anything happen after returning home (and how long did it last)?

Definitely, I felt relaxed in my body, and I sensed that iboga was still working for a while. Mostly at night, I felt a stronger connection to the source/soul.

Did iboga help you with what you needed?

Yes, and I dare say it will continue to help.

Would you like to undergo another iboga experience (maybe with a smaller dose), or was that enough?

I feel that one more ritual could still be beneficial.

Do you have anyone in your surroundings you would recommend iboga to?

To everyone who is stuck in a cycle—whether mental, emotional, work-related, relational, or addiction-related.