What is Iboga?

Iboga (Tabernanthe iboga) is a tropical shrub of the family Apocynaceae used as a hallucinogenic and stimulant drug and for the treatment of addictions (on alcohol, tobacco, amphetamines, cocaine, methamphetamine…), to alleviate depression, to communicate with the spiritual world and for other purposes.

In West Africa, root bark is used for ritual reasons (“Bwiti” tradition or religion).

Iboga stimulates the central nervous system in small doses, halucinations in large doses.

Ibogaine, the active alkaloid of iboga, was discovered in 1901, in the 1920s it was recommended as a stimulant for the treatment of neurasthenia, in the 1930s the extract was sold in France as Lambaréné.

Reports of hallucinogenic effects began to appear in the 1960s and were banned in many countries. In the Czech Republic and Slovakia it’s legal.

It can cause cleansing processes in the body (vomiting), hallucinations, increased sweating or other accompanying phenomena.

Excerpt from Peter Frank’s book: Ibogain, The Key to Addictions

In the West, ibogaine is best known for its ability to “break addiction.” It is especially effective for opiate and alcohol addiction, but it also works for crack / cocaine, methamphetamine, nicotine and other drugs. When an addicted person takes ibogaine, they can get rid of their addiction without any withdrawal symptoms. Some people never have an appetite for an addictive substance, but for most, the desire returns in a weaker form. If they use these few months of freedom to change their lives, they will succeed in resisting the desire and remain pure forever.
Many people also use ibogaine for mental and spiritual growth. Ibogaine can help people get deeper into their psyche and solve subconscious problems. It also helps people to achieve a more intense connection with the universe Being that pervades everything. More and more people today are beginning to realize that psychedelics like ibogaine are an excellent complement to psychotherapy, meditation, and contemplation. Ibogaine has miraculous effects both in breaking the addiction and for psychological and spiritual purposes. Many people say that ibogaine has completely changed their lives.
But Ibogaine is not a miracle pill. The essence lies in the personal attitude of each person. If he wants to end his suffering, ibogaine can help him. But if he is obsessed with his pain, ibogaine can do nothing more than bring short-term relief.

Peter Frank: Ibogain, The Key to Addictions


How Iboga look like?

Here are some pictures from Gabon and Cameroon.